Holds Cleaning and Alumina

Ensuring cargo holds are meticulously cleaned is essential when transporting alumina, a major cost element in aluminum production. High-quality alumina, mainly extracted from bauxite using the Bayer process, is pivotal for environmentally sustainable production. This highlights the need for stringent cleanliness to maintain the purity and quality of this material.

Essential Cleanliness for Alumina Transport

In transporting alumina, ensuring cargo holds are devoid of any contaminants is crucial. Alumina's quality can be severely compromised by residues or moisture, impacting its suitability for high-precision aluminum production. Thus, maintaining pristine hold conditions is fundamental to preserve the quality of this sensitive material.

Hygroscopic Nature

Alumina (aluminum oxide, Al2O3) is hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs moisture from the environment. This can lead to clumping or hardening, making unloading difficult.

Specialized Hold Cleaning Techniques for Alumina

Our approach to cleaning cargo holds for alumina involves advanced methods, including dust-extraction systems, chemical neutralizers for reactive residues, and high-pressure washes. These are complemented by thorough drying processes to eliminate any moisture, ensuring an environment that upholds the purity of the alumina.

image of a bulk carrier with cleaned holds after the cleaning services provided by the maritime company seachios

Our Commitment to Material-Specific Care

We place a high emphasis on tailoring our cleaning procedures to each cargo type, particularly for sensitive materials like alumina. This specialized care not only upholds industry standards but also demonstrates our dedication to quality assurance and environmental responsibility.